Corporate governance
Shareholders’ meeting

Shareholders’ meeting

2024 Annual shareholders’ meeting


2024-03-28 09:00

Convocation announcement date


Place of meeting

Multi-purpose hall on 2F, Kolon one&only tower(110, Magokdong-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

Number of shares presented

The total number of stocks with voting rights is 27,512,131, and the total number of stocks in attendance is 17,823,175, which is about 64.78% The total number of stocks with voting rights is 27,512,131, and the total number of stocks in attendance is 17,823,175, which is about 64.78%

Outcome of Annual Shareholders’ meeting

테이블 캡션 내용이 들어갑니다.
Agenda Vote Result Approval rating
Reports Audit report report
Business report report
Report on the operating condition of the internal accounting control system report
Report of transactions with the largest shareholder, etc report
Agenda 1 Approval of the 14th period (January 1~December 31, 2023) financial statement Approved 96.4%
Agenda 2 Changes in the Articles Approved 88.8%
Agenda 3 Appointment of You Seog-jin as an Inside director Approved 99.5%
Appointment of Lee Kyu-ho as an Inside director Approved 99.3%
Appointment of Kwak Seung-yeop as an Outside director Approved 100.0%
Agenda 4 Appointment of Lee Won-duk as an Outside director becoming a member of the audit committee
(separate appointment)
Approved 70.0%
Agenda 5 Approval of the directors' compensation limit Approved 84.9%
Agenda 6 Approval of changes in executive severance pay provisions Approved 100.0%

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*The date of resolution 2023. 02. 27.

The approval rating is based on the number of shares present

23% 스크롤 진행

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