ESG Management

Our 5 Key Strategies for Sustainable Growth

We conduct our own sustainable management promotion system through 16 key tasks based on the 5 key sustainability strategies and ESG management.

ESG Management Strategy ESG Management Strategy

5 Core Strategies

2040 Net Zero

Achievement of
2047 Net Zero

Activation of the circular economy

Improvement of energy efficiency and conversion to new and renewable energy

Recycling materials

Carbon footprint management

Participate in global initiatives

Eco-friendly Businesses

Development of Eco-Friendly
Products/Materials and
Expansion of Eco-friendly Businesses

Expansion of hydrogen fuel cell business

Expand recycle PET products

Development of Bio-based products

Environment/Safety Accident free Workplace

Establishment of an Environment/Safety Accident free Workplace

Improvement of hazardous pollutant treatment

Internalization of the major disaster prevention system

ESH information management system establishment

Business Value Chain

Realization of Win-win Management throughout the Business Value Chain

Establishment of supply chain ESG partnerships

Fair trade with partners

Labor-management and human rights oriented culture

Diversification of social contribution programs

Internalizing Ethical Management

Strengthening Management Transparency and Internalizing Ethical Management

Building sustainable governance

Strengthening anti-corruption/compliance management systems

Improvement of Information Protection System

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