About us

We pursue richer life and development of the humankind

With the mission to contribute to a more abundant lifestyle and development of the humankind beyond customers' satisfaction, we are doing our best to fulfill the social role of companies.

Philosophy Philosophy


LifeStyle Innovator

Fulfill Mission as Part of Industry

Suggests that KOLON should be aware that it is a part of this industry, and the role and mission that KOLON is obliged to fulfill as its primary contribute to the growth of the industry.

Efficiency and Originality

These are the standards for daily activities that KOLON implements for smooth management. They represent the company’s determination to judge its management based on efficiency, the most important logic in business administration, and originality, which helps the company boost morale.

Rewarding Workplace for Individuals to Develop Their Potential

Implies that the company considers a top priority creating a workplace where individual employees can realize their potential and a whole team can find work rewarding.

Contribute to Richer Life and Human Progress

Suggests that the results of the company’s management activities not only deliver customer satisfaction but also contribute to improving people’s quality of life and pushing civilization forward. This is the ultimate goal of management activities.


One & Only

First Choice Of Customers

First Choice Of Customers

KOLON Most Loved by Customers

We should do everything that we can do to provide the best products and services so that customers can be satisfied, happy, and delighted when they use our products, and we should keep promises to customers and build customer trust, no matter what happens.

To be trusted and chosen by customers, KOLON should become a company that anyone likes the most in a given industry by providing customers with delightful experiences while using KOLON products and services, encouraging them to choose us over competitors.



Unique, Distinguished “Us”

There may be a few similarities between people, but no two people can be the same.

Only when members try to get to the bottom of a problem and find what is the most important can they develop unique, distinguished strategies and behavioral patterns. Members should not forget that “We are one whole.”

Individual Excellence

Individual Excellence

“Me” with Competitive Advantages

Having the best competitive advantage that you can have means not only that you are ready to join in global competition, but also that you are capable of becoming a competent manager.

Competitive elements include technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills, and top position.

KOLON's Spirit

Change & Challenge


Original, strategic way of thinking

Forward-looking, future-oriented way of thinking


Confident and adventurous attitude

Moral and ethical behavior


Thorough dedication to work

Confidence in and commitment to success


Impeccable, perfect job performance

Confidence in results

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