Health & Safety
Key Activities

'Safety' is Our Top Priority. Activities for a Safer Environment

We spread the ‘safety first’ culture through various activities.

Key management activities Key management activities

3S Activities


Safety Day

Safety campaigns held every 4th of every month (In headquarters and production centers)


Safety Golden Rules

Mandatory rules that must be followed by anyone in factories penalties are given to those who break them


Safety Talk

Brief presentation/discussion on safety at the start of a meeting

More Health and Safety Support

More Health and Safety Support

Award system for top safety-acted factories

We select and reward a workplace with the highest safety management every year, evaluate safety culture, accident prevention activities, safety leadership, safety level, etc.

Accident-free workplace campaign

Examination/certification to whom achieved accident-free more than targeted number of days in factories

Health and Safety Analysis and Prevention of Recurrence

Health and Safety Analysis and Prevention of Recurrence

Company-wide Environmental Safety Council

Held once a month

We share health and safety management status company-wide, periodically discuss health issues, and promote higher level of safety management

Risk Assessment

Business Establishment Risk Assessment (Once a year)

Process Risk Assessment (Once in 4 years)

Work Risk assessment (Once a year)

Preemptive ESH diagnosis

Regular/Frequent Safety Diagnosis (Headquarters Safety Diagnosis Team) : Development of inspection checklist in each area, compliance with laws and regulations, and improvement of safety management technology

Factory operation approval system: Safety diagnosis is conducted during the design stage of new and expanded projects and our ‘safety&health‘ center evaluates and gives approval when 80% of the construction is done.

PSM System Operations (company-wide)

We operate programs for each business establishment to achieve P grade and support self-audit between factories

Health and Safety Plan Directorate Report

Approval of Health and Safety Plans from Directorate (Once a year)

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